“Be the change you want to see in the world”
-Mahatma Gandhi-


Libre foundation works with true specialists in their respective fields. Next to their careers, they voluntarily dedicate several days of their year to Libre Foundation. Through our large pool of trainers we provide expertise in almost every industry and for any theme. Typical for Libre Foundation is that we answer “We have the perfect trainer for you”. We are proud to continuously provide matches between our clients’ educational needs and the specialism and expertise of our 60 didactic professionals.

Here you can find all the profiles of the Dutch pool. And more information about the Peruvian pool will follow soon.

Training forms

Incompany, customization or coaching?

Which form fits your organizations educational need best? We help you get started.

Contact Libre Foundation

Interested to learn more about our training options? Or do you have a question?

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