“Be the change you want to see in the world”
-Mahatma Gandhi-


Thanks to our creative business model we accomplish our main goal: free leadership training programs for local leaders in developing countries. These are provided by the foundation branch of Libre Foundation. To finance this we train and coach several organisations in the Netherlands under the private company flag of Libre Foundation.

Libre Foundation Ltd

The private company has the FFI-status (fiscal fundraising institution) and gives at least 90% of its profit to her only shareholder: the Foundation. The private company employs two people, one full-time and one part-time. They task themselves with customer relations, acquisition, realisation and organisation of the training programs. For this they receive a modest and appropriate salary.

Foundation Libre Foundation

The foundation has the ANBI-status which means gifts are deductible. An unremunerated board heads the Libre Foundation foundation. Next to a full-time foundation director the foundation employs three part-time project coordinators. They also receive a modest and appropriate salary.

Project coordination and office management

Angela Gonzalez

Angela Gonzalez

International Project Coordinator and support Spanish

Anneke Dekkers

Anneke Dekkers

Office manager Netherlands

Daphne Meijer-Willems

Daphne Meijer-Willems

International Project Coordinator Africa and Asia

Board and Directors

Elisabeth Roelvink

Elisabeth Roelvink

Board member

Niek Bakker

Niek Bakker

Board member

Erik Bos

Erik Bos

Director foundation

Jader Franklim Pinto

Jader Franklim Pinto

Board member and treasurer