“Be the change you want to see in the world”
-Mahatma Gandhi-
-Mahatma Gandhi-
Cooperation and conflict management
From operating in the same space to cooperation. That is the essence of powerful collaboration. Because working closely together enhances the quality of the work. Even so, working together often comes with conflicts, both inside and outside the organisation. The challenge is to find solutions in an effective manner. Preferably win-win and sometimes by compromising. For some people this comes naturally. Others can do with some support in the form of training, courses or coaching.
- Better solutions, because the various viewpoints are listened to
- Better atmosphere, less tension and more acceptance, because each team member feels heard
- Easier planning, because colleagues do not need to avoid each other
- Acceleration of processes, because hidden tensions are identified earlier
- Conflicts are nipped in the bud and mutually resolved
A selection of what we offer
- Cooperation within teams
- Cooperation and conflict management
- Without friction no shine
Call us with your questions or contact us on Skype!
Do you have a question about Libre, the foundation or the trainings?
Feel free to contact us!
06 5571 0069